IT and technology
Computer science
Computer support
Windows reinstallation
Windows reinstallation includes:
Preservation of your data
Complete hard drive removal
Windows reinstallation (with your valid activation key)
Reinstalling drivers
Installation of basic programs
Data backup
We do data backup as well as data restoration on obsolete devices.
We can also fetch data from an old working hard drive from a machine that you no longer use.
Cleaning (Debug)
If your computer is slow or slower than usual, it may contain a virus. Let us do a thorough cleaning of the machine to be certain that you no longer run any risk!
Other services:
Network configuration (multimedia, Wi-Fi,...)
Installing programs
Home service: $50.00 / h
Website design
$100.00 / hour
We work with Microsoft Access and Excel to create tools that facilitate management in companies.
$450.00 + $100.00 / hour
We do business with multiple suppliers in order to offer the best possible service to the lower cost.
The website is built with
Configuration and explanation of "DIY" (Do It Yourself) systems
We are able to configure most connected devices available at big box stores!
Business cards and flyers
Billboard, flyers, business card...
We design what you need!
50.00$ / hour
50.00$ / hour
Marketing for business
Images from high quality
We can make very large images resolution or others equally small only icons.
Use of free software
We use Gimp 2.10, free software available to everyone at no annual cost.